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10:01 a.m., Aug. 10, 2002

I had a very cool Friday, yesterday. I went to Borders, I got myself a book. I also went for a long walk, and then I watched Amelie once again- this time with director commentaries. I also did my Jane Fonda workout (I know, lame ;) and cleaned our little apartment, just a bit.

Mike went to Randy's for their "guys' hangout", and then I went to Nikka's for "girls hangout". We discussed our Vegas plans further, and had a good laugh about everything and everyone. I feel much better. I haven't spoken to my mom for 3 days. Actually Mike said she called when I was out in a bookstore, but I didn't return the call. I don't feel ready for it. And I feel so much better. The only thing, I wish I could get a hold of my dad without bumping into her. I mean, it's not his fault, and Im not ignoring him on her account. Besides, I'm a daddy's girl anyway ;) So...perhaps I'll call and just try to talk to him.

On another note... We were talking w Mike and thinking that perhaps we'll start looking into houses. Apparently we won't be able to buy any till April anyway, but it doesn't hurt to look. Our place is great now, but just a tad too little. It's like niether one of us has any privacy almost. And I dream of my own office, which I can decorate any way I want ;) So... we're looking for something really spacious, and not overwhelmingly expensive. And something that would have enough bedrooms for perspective kids - obvoisly, that won't happen for at least another 1.5 years, but it doesn't hurt to plan :)))

So.. we'll see. It's just really cool to plan, and I know Mike and I are really together forever. Despite all little fights that we sometimes have. He's just the best!

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