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7:19 p.m., Mar. 27, 2003

School is over! Yeah! (Doing little dance). My Myrna Loy manual turned out beautiful,gold and silver, I hope to get a good grade.

Yesterday I want to the portfolio show - each quarter the graduates have to present their portfolio, and I wanted to see it to get an idea what I will be doing next quarter. It uplifted my spirits significantly. I have a big complex that since I have very little background in fine arts (i.e., don't really draw well) my designs are somehow lacking comparing to other people. Sometimes I look at stuff that other kids do in our school and I'm like wow this is cool, I wouldn't have done it. But after looking at everyone's portfolios yesterady, I suddenly realized - wow, I am not any worse! Really. Some of my work may be worse, but some is definetely better! This just made me so happy - suddenly, I feel like I actually can compete and I fit the profile of the designer just fine.

What else is going on... My elven set is complete for LOTR game. Now I am building my decks to be equally good on offence and defence. We're playing tomorrow again,so I want to be ready.

Still thinking on the anniversary present for Mike. It won't necesserely be huge but something cool for sure.

Our house is such a mess. I am a terrible housewife. I hate cleaning. And Mike is equally bad... so tomorrow I am taking charge and cleaning it, at least partially. Gosh when we have kids this going to be really hard. I don't know how people do it.

layout byapplegail designs

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