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3:51 p.m., Feb. 22, 2002

Thank goodness it�s Friday! Tomorrow we�re going to a cat show � Mike and I want to get a Maine Coon kitty after we get married. Of course I wonder how his dog, Waffles, will react to the cat. Probably will hate it � the dog is ten years old, and won�t be happy to have another animal around. But we�ll do our best to not make her jealous. So funny, it�s almost like child books, how to make ur first child be ok with second one. Well, since we won�t have kids for at least another 2 years, might as well practice.

Tonight I�m going to Nikka as usual, for our �girls� night out.� I guess it�s cool to have a best friend to hang out with. Though sometimes she totally drives me nuts! It�s like I know her for 12 years or so, if not more, and her temper still gets to me. It�s really ironic that she is looking for a guy who would be strong-willed and powerful � in a way, she possesses those qualities as well, and I can�t help but think that if she finds someone like that they�ll eat each other alive. Yet of course I wish her the best � I just want to her be happy. I just worry that her lack of self-esteem (haha, so familiar to me), combined with this insane temperament of hers (I mean, the girl lives for confrontation, and anything can set her off like that!) will just make her unhappy on a long run. But I really can�t confront her with that b/c she simply will dismiss my opinion, or say that I hate her, etc. She gets bent so easy. Anyway she�s really cool though and smart and everything. I just wish some guy would already ask her out. It kills me to see how lonely she is, and I almost feel guilty about Mike b/c before him, we pretty much were miserable together. Sure I dated on and off but it was one fiasco after another, and Nikka hardly dated at all. She blames her weight partially but I think she�s fine, I mean yes, overweight, but I really don�t see it as such a big deal � maybe b/c I am used to her and I know her for what she is. But I suppose men don�t look at that. She�s the best cook I know though, I think she should open her restaurant, it�s a waste of talent otherwise. So I think it�s men�s loss � a lifetime of unbelievable food, think about that! And she loves cooking too.

Oh well. Just can�t wait till the weekend. Got loads of homework though, but will push it off till Sunday (naturally).

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