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11:23 a.m., Apr. 10, 2002

Ok. Really maybe I�m over-reacting but what else in my life can go wrong now?!

My car is still in repairs. They cannot figure out what is wrong with it, and meanwhile they did bunch of work on it, changed brake pads which I suppose needed to be changed anyway, etc. But then when I got it back after the next day, it died on me again � this time, I did not get far luckily. So it�s in dealership now and I�m sure they�ll try to rip me off somehow � Mitsubishi dealerships are officially the worst! Mike promised to go with me and be �tough� with them � yeah, that will go well, I can imagine...

Then I come to work today and get this e-mail that apparently it was decided that my whole group is moving to a different building within the company � well, actually the building is attached to this one, so as far as commute, nothing will change. But the building we are moving in structured completely differently � while here we have cubicles all over, there, everyone gets their own little �office�, most important ppl get a single room, and less important one get one room for two � 2 workstations. Well, for admins there is no single room, basically they have two cubes in the middle of it all, which are completely open. Fine, I really didn�t expect to get a single office. But it was rather an unpleasant shock when my manager called me over to tell me that after the move I will be sharing a desk with T. � a girl who works on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I�m in school. Basically, since we �job share� management thought it would be a great conservation of space to give us one desk to share. Which is peachy except � T. is a neat freak, I mean her desk is spotless at any given moment while mine is always covered with papers. I try to keep it reasonably cleaned, and I always know where my stuff is, obviously, but it certainly never has the look of her desk. Actually T. has a nice personality, and I don�t have anything against her personally, but the thought of us sharing desk just is very disturbing. Even little things � she has pictures of her husband and kids on her desk, I have pix of Mike and I, and a painting of Paris, and calendar of cats, and bunch of other stuff all over. I feel like sharing a desk means I will have no personal �space�, no relief of any sort. And I presume we will be sharing one PC also which means � all my personal files will have to go, including my novel, and all personal preferences of Explorer, and settings, and you name it. T. doesn�t know about this yet, and my manager requested not to tell her until she speaks with her in person tomorrow, so I can�t even discuss it with her. I am sure she will be just as disappointed though. I mean, work is hard enough, at least you got to have a feeling like you belong, like you have something of your own. This way I feel like a real �temp� � I suppose that�s what you get for going part-time. The ironic part is that my manager said cheerfully � but if u ever decide to come back on full-time basis we will give you your own desk. I was like..gee thanks. She knows I won�t be coming back full time, not to this position. I would like to eventually switch within the company to a graphic designer position, but certainly not a full-time admin job. So�Guess I have to look at it as really temporary, only a year left, so should just relax. But so frustrating. Of course K. gets her own desk � she�s full time.

Oh well.

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