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4:01 p.m., Jul. 20, 2004

The party went well. We told everyone - of course Mike was saying a toast and somehow had this long long lead-in, which he thought would be a "hint" and no one got it, and ppl were looking at him like - what the hell, so finally he said well, she's pregnant. It came out clumsy but everyone was happy.

Of course my mother is already giving me hard time - about how I should do this and that. Yeah - considering she was pregnant in Russia, where it was like dark ages. I'm amazed they were able to save my life, since I was born 2 months premature.

But overall, people took it well I thought. So the worst is over. I don't know I guess I feel a bit cranky. I just think that people in general have their own so-called expectation of how you should behave while pregnant and everyone just goes ahead and says stuff , and it's like - back off, who said you're such an expert.

So anyway, things are okay. On the plus side, I have a second appointment on Thursday, nothing exciting but they'll listen to the heartbeat which should be fun! Can't wait to hear it and feel reassured. I guess I'll write more after that happens.

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