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10:29 a.m., Jul. 14, 2004

wow I really do feel pregnant today!

I'm so hungry! i feel like I can eat an elephant. It's so strange b/c today is no different from any other day, I had the same breakfast as usual and normally I can totally hold till lunch. now I feel like I'm just starving! I had an apple already, as a snack and I still feel like I can eat a ton! Lunch cant come fast enough. Is that normal?!

I'm kind of scared I'll gain ton of weight, but I've been good about listening to my body. I started to get lots of strange food aversions, like normally I love green olives, and lately even the look of them makes me want to puke. I tend to want softer foods, like soup or pasta or whatever. The thought of a big salad which I have for lunch often makes me nauseous! I still try to keep it healthy though - whole grain breads, chicken, and I still get several vegetable servings a day. But the things I want now are something I never wanted before. So it's strange.

Anyway, lunch can't come fast enough! It's another hour still. Maybe this baby is growing real fast or something! :) I'm getting more excited about it but I still fear the miscarriage. Well, I won a doppler on Ebay, for a really cheap price - I was amazed! So once it comes, I'll be able to listen to the heartbeat on my own. This is the most reassuring thing I can do - instead of thinking what if something's wrong.

Ok... Just got to wait it out I guess!

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