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4:06 p.m., Apr. 13, 2004

Life has been fairly good. Not w/o stresses, but hey - who doesnt have them!

Had some issues with furniture, some issues with this and that... but we are happy! And Passover is over tonight so we r going to a chinese restaurant to break it with eggrolls and noodles ;) And we booked our trip to Oregon.

Yes, THE Oregon trip, the one I have been hearing for 3.5 years. How Oregon is the best place on earth. So yeah, we are finally going there,on a camping trip. G-d help me :)

And other than that really nothing happened... Saw Eternal Sunshine, it actually was pretty cool. Also saw Statsky and Hutch. That was just funny -and no bathroom humor, which is a first for Ben Stiller.

Our cat has so many windows to lay on, in the new house -it's ridiculous. We joke that it's her house more than ours. She obsevrves from living room, from porch, from all directions. She's such a cutie though. My dad was like - watch out so she doesn't get stolen, such a beauty. Yeah ;)

layout byapplegail designs

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