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6:13 p.m., Sept. 05, 2003

Well at this point I only have to look at things with sense of humor. Because, really, how else can you react to this?! So the company I was so patiently awaiting a call from finally called only to tell me that they - no no, didn't chose someone over me! - they hired a new person to be a Vice president of the company. And that Vice President, it so happens, will also become a new manager of the department for the job with which I interviewed for. And since the VP will be the new manager, they want him to look at dpt first and get a "hang of it" before hiring new hires! What does it mean for me? Oh not much except for VP only starts his new position in early October, and then it will take him "couple weeks" as HR eloquently put it to get a "hang of things" - so they are just putting the hiring off for 6 weeks!!! But of course they were tremendously impressed with my skills and portfolio. What can you say to this? It's almost Seinfeldian u know, "we'd love to hire you... but our board of directors has been indited"!!

So - back to ground zero. Have second interview on Monady with that other place. Probably nothing good will come out of it either.

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