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11:12 p.m., Aug. 03, 2002

I'm utterly overwhelmed! - we went to this place tonight, w my cousin from Israel, and my parents and Mike, and I found out that my brother is ENGAGED!!!! :))))))

Well, actually, he doesn't know that we know :) It's crazy. Basically, him and his girlfriend, who is really sweet and totally good for him (in my opinion ;) -went to Saint Petersburg (Russia, of course, not Florida!) - that's where my family is from. And he proposed to her there!!!! They stayed by my mom's close friend, whom they obviously told about it the night they got engaged. They asked her to keep it a secret, as they wanted to surprise us. Well... the lady couldn't keep her mouth shut and called my mom. Of course my mom told my dad and me. So now when they return (on Monday), we'll have to pretend taht we're utterly shocked and surprised :))

Mike was so shocked he let out a loong scream in the car! :) I'm just totally thrilled! It's a wedding to go to, without much stress (Im sure they won't ask us to stand at their wedding, as we didn't ask them ;) - which suits me fine because I don't want to be a bridesmaid - too mcuh fuss. That way I'll get to wear what I want! On top, after they get married the pressure from my mom will be divided (I hope). I.e, they will hear "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE KIDS?" too! Becasue she's really getting to me with this. It's like.. mom, we just got married, leave us alone! But no. So now she'll have my brother to bug as well. :)))

Anyway.. it's way too cool :) My brother, a guy who had like a girlfriend per month, finally found a perfect girl (seriously, she handles him well!) and is marrying her! So cool.Im happy.

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