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10:50 p.m., Jul. 31, 2002

Another hot summer day. This is going to be a random entry... nothing really happened lately, nothing worth of note anyway.

I've been thinking of my long-term goals. And it's bizzaar and weird that I think I found what I REALLY want to do. Mike actually pushed me hard for that one. He is fond of telling and re-telling the story of how he "became a man" in his own words. I guess after he hit 29, he decided that the time has come to radically change his life. He quit his not-so-glamorous job and went camping around the US for 1.5 years. He has been to 48 states. He has lived in the desert for 3 months. And, I guess, while living in the desert, he figured his future direction.His theory is that if you put a person in the situation where he's all alone, and has no contact with outside world, and tons of spare time - such a person will, after a while, start doing what they were meant to do since birth. He thought his destiny was to write books, but when he actually was in the desert, instead of book writing, he began to crunch numbers. Some weird statistical numbers, without any personal gain, and he did it for hours! That gave him a hint that his occupation really should relate to numbers, and it's so strange because he has a degree in fine arts! And he's a good artist, at that - a painter. Some of his paintings are plain awesome, and not b/c he's my husband! But anyawy...so after that experience he came home and began training himself in day trading. And now it all finally paid off.

So he keeps on telling me that I must find my niche. And while I do enjoy design and my school, part of me realizes that it's not something that I'm capable of doing 24/7 and derive some tremendous joy out of it. It's a great occupation, it's fun, and it will support me in times of need... but the more I look at what I do "naturally", per Mike, the more I understand that my life dream is to be a writer/translator. Probably more of a translator. And it's funny, because during past 6-7 months I haven't wrote a line! - work, school, stress, wedding.... I had no time, no energy. And now, finally, when I have time, I come from school and work on my translation. There are so many unbelievable writers in Russia, who aren't translated yet, and Im working on one of them, currently. His writing is really cool, it's "fantasy", and I wish the english speakers could read it. I think it totally could become a hit, not any less than Harry Potter. So... Within last week, I translated over 20 pages. After coming from school, I spend at least 3-4 hours doing that... on my own will. Which suits Mike fine because he works on his numbers. It's a funny picture - we sit on opposite sides of the room and clank or computer keys : ) But... if we're talking about doing something 24/7 that would be it! And I lucked out because Mike is a tremendous proofreader. Among other activities in that 1.5 year period of seclusion from the outside world, he managed to memorize the Webster dictionary completely. I'm not joking ! He just took a dictionary and memorized it! So, he helps me to find adequate words sometimes, and he's brilliant with grammar. He said that after the book is done, he'll proofread it for me. Now, I don't know if it will ever be published. I don't like dealing with the commercial part of it. I translate purely for pleasure. But I did e-mail the book author, who is young and alive: ) and he actually responded and said that I can take a try if I wish, but he is not promising anything. So after I finish, I wil just e-mail him the file, adn then it's out of my hands. But wouldn't it be cool if this translation was publieshed and distributed to the English speaking people?

Anyway... my class is about to start. There's much more I want to write but... till later!

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