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4:42 p.m., Jan. 08, 2003

Here is the text of the invitation that I officially received today.


Welcome to Rivendell

(Beautiful graphic of the river-forest-stones type of place)

You are cordially invited to attend the celebration given in honor of the Lord of the Rings

Please arrive fully attired in costume of your favourite character and do bring all movie and book related items that you might have. Posters, games, CDs are welcome! A fellowship of your friends is also welcome...

You shall dine on a delicious Middle Earth dinner, play games, be treated to a surprise by XX's (that's us!)judge costumes, act, and attend a movie viewing.

Your hostess,

Galadriel (Nikka)


P.S. I did get several posters from the movie. They will go nicely in our insane apartment decor, amongst with Mike's wacky paintings. Also the bathroom is rather undecorated right now. Yes.

layout byapplegail designs

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