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9:46 a.m., Apr. 08, 2003

Went to visit Mike's sister yesterday, and hanged out with the kids, and had dinner. Well, I got a glimpse of what it's like to have kids, and part of it scares me while part of it excites me. Actually, I got a glimpse of what I'd have to deal with if I go through with 3 kids (that's kind of my ideal magic number that I'm thinking of having). So they got a 4.5 year old girl(will be 5 in July), a 3-year old boy (turned 3 yesterday, actually!) and now a brand new baby, 3 weeks old. Some notes: house is turned upside down (naturally); older kids are running around like crazy, but not in a destructive manner necessarily, just playing. The baby was sleeping when we came in, but shortly woke up demanding to be fed. Watched C. feeding the baby -and it was beautiful in that sappy bookish way. What I wanted to know is - how does she know when he had enough, and is mother's milk available on demand at any given moment? But the baby seemed very comfortable, and it was great watching two of them, so sweet. He is still very tiny, but so cute, after he was fed, they put him into this rocking seat, and he was very content playing with his hands and looking around, as his brother and sister were throwing pillows at each other. C. looked very exhousted though, looked like she's ready to fall asleep any second. So we started talking about sleep. On a good day baby can sleep up to 4 hours straight so far (per night). On an average day, wakes up every hour. Look of horror passed Mike's face. I said hey, we'll take turns sleeping at nights. That's what my parents did, day mom would take care of the baby, day dad. He didn't seem thrilled with that either, but said as long as it will pass quick. Well, actually my mom said that within 2 months we were sleeping pretty well. And the reason is, no feedings at night. She was told at her time by the doctor that if the baby demands food at night you give him slightly sweetened water. After a while the baby realizes that water isn't that much fun to wake up for and sleeps solidly through the night. Worked like a charm. That calmed Mike down. Of course u want to make sure baby is getting enough food, but I also think feeding every hour on the night is not the best idea.

But anyway..4 hours passed real quick and i can't say we were exhousted with the kids. Played with them board games and of course pillow fighting. Mike is going to be a great dad. Kids loove piling up on top of him and they have their little chasing game and he's just so great with them! They know when uncle Mike comes that means fun ;) So overall, I think we can manage kids. As long as we don't have twins or something. Two infants... I don't know how people handle that!

Well, school starts today. Hope it won't be too bad, I'm mostly worried about physics actually. Considering I'm really bad at it. But, lets not jump ahead of ourselves, shall we.

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