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8:56 a.m., Apr. 12, 2003

I'm so exhousted. Came at 2 a.m. yesterday from my best friend's house, and Mike woke me up at 7 because he just wakes up early regardless of what time we go to sleep. I am rather mad at him at the moment. Of course he wakes up that early only to work. He is such a workoholic, it's sickening sometimes. Yeah, I realize he's the only provider at the moment, but I wish sometimes he'd do his work at least on weekdays. Nikka and I were discussing the possibility of going to the movies today and he goes yes yes, go, so I could work. It's like his little drug, work. Anyway, I am extremely utterly grumpy and don't want to deal with him right now because I'll end up yelling at him which wouldn't be good.

If we ever get a house.. I am seriously considering separate bedrooms, or at the very least, moving animals to the basement or a different room for the night. Right now it's slightly insane with dog and cat sleeping in the same room, and when u top it with mr. got to wake up at 7 on a weekend so he could work..arghhhhhhh.

Well, at least we have no plans for the weekend. No parties, no nothing. Thank god. Last week was more than enough. Next two weekends are already packed - with passover and my nephew's birthday party, and another bridal shower for my brother's fiance. This girl is getting 3 showers - crazy huh! I only had one. But it's nice that her family is so big and they have so many friends.

So yeah this entry is boring. But really, all I need is several hours of sleep. Like that will ever happen.

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