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5:55 p.m., Mar. 07, 2002

It seeems like I can only write this diary in school. No, not really, but I just have this 40 min break in b/n my last two classes, so why not. Anyway.

Was really hillarious yesterday at work when I asked W.E. whether he was coming to my wedding. I don't know, there's something about that boy (guy? dude? to think he is actually 3 years younger than Mike, how weird!) - that makes my heart race. Now, before anyone thinks that Im some sort of a cheater, obviously there is nothing between me and W.E. However, he really is one of the rarities of this world that just makes me wistfully sigh somehow, thinking, wow, that's a MAN. Again, not that Mike is not, and I love him to pieces, but I mean, W.E. is more like a "dream guy", kind of one of those guys who you see in movies, who make some executive decisions, hijack planes, sweep beautiful ladies off their feet, and behave in this ridiculously gentlemanly way. Like James Bond. Even physically, I mean the guy is like 6.3 feet tall, slim, has full head of hair, and the soft/firm type of voice which is so cool. And he does look somewhat boyish, but to think that he's second manager to the leader of the team, and pretty much his word is a law is kind of exciting.

I really don't deal with him all that much on work level, though when he does give me work I check and double check million times, because a guy could see a slightest littlest mistake and he is not very forgiving :) Which is cool with me- keeps me on my feet. What is even funnier is that W.E. likes me. And again, not on some man-woman sort of way, though he is only 4 years older than me so it is certainly possible - in anotehr world :) but he kind of likes my personality, which is well, everyone else considers somewhat whacky. I simply do not talk. (Well, besides K. does all the talking and it annoys him greatly :). I don't talk not b/c I can't but b/c I have nothing to say to these people, and because I love to observe other people talk.. and I think W.E. is a bit mystified by it. First he considered me to be painfully shy - which to a degree is true, ;) but as 2 years went by he knows that I kind of just observe people and I think he likes that idea. He is always very proper with me, and speaks in this insane English language, with all that "if you would be so kind", "Your favor is asked to.." ... like some old English in a way. He also knows that I am smart and after I knocked them off in an office party with flawless piano playing I think he definetely thinks of me not as some stupid admin girl who has no brains to do better (well he knows I am in school obviously) but as this loner lunatic who just happens to live her life and do this job for living but nothing more (at least I hope he thinks that as that's how I access myself!)

Anyway, again, it's hardly romantic b/c he is a bit out of my league and b/c I love Mike, but to watch that guy is one of the greatest pleasures that brightens my days in the office, otherwise full of semi-average boring people.

So, only naturally, I have invited him to my wedding and bunch of other people at work (as obviously since no relatives are coming, per previous entries, got to compensate!). Everyone answered but W.E. and another lady, for whom I actually do a LOT of work, but who is a known spaced-out type. She is very brilliant work-wise, but she kind of doesn't know what she's doing half the time. My favorite activity with her is to rescue her from whatever place she happens to be - classicly it would be like taht - I get a call from her saying "where am I supposed to be now?" - so then I check her calednar, find the room, and direct her". She has no clue half the time where she's supposed to be. So anyway, I asked her hey, Stacy, are you coming to my wedding, and she goes - what wedding?! ;) It cost me half my life not to burst laughing out loud! So after we straigtened that out, I thought maybe I should ask W.E. as well, as perhaps he also somehow missed the fact that I'm getting married!

Not to worry. W.E. doesn't miss much. So at the very end of teh day yesterday I casually appraoch his cube and go so, u r coming to my wedding right? W.E. gives me this soulful look and goes Yes. Yes I am. I feel terribly guilty for not returning your card. I thought hmm, doesn't sound like W.E. in that he's rather a prompt fellow, and as much as he demands order from others he's quite examplary himself. So I press - are you bringing anyone else? (I put "and guest" on all the singles invitations, of course.) He gives me this piercing look and rather sheepishly says maybe. But it depends. You know when something good is just starting you dont want to mess it up. You know. Anyway, I shouldnt talk about it. I was like.. Yes, I know. (How wouldn't I know, I went through all the stress of the beginning of the relationship when I met Mike, my poor best friend Nikka was frustrated but thankfully patient with me. Why didn't he call? Shoudl I call? Do I look too desperate? Do I look good? ooooh love that stage. NOT!) So then W.E. goes actually that's why I didn't return your card yet, is that OK if I return it sometime by end of the week. I am like W., take your time. I juts wanted to know you're coming. He's like oh yes, and as a matter of fact looking forward to it quite a lot. What a sweetie :)

Anyway... I bet if anyone reads this diary they'll think Im secretly in love with W. But not really. It's more like, if there's someone in real life I admire (not love, there's difference), I definetely admire W.E. Not to say that I am not admiring my fiance - I mean, gosh, Im so lucky, he is so cool, and handsome, and SMART, and absolutely whacky (which is important b/c I am whacky too). But it's just different, on a work level I don't work w Mike and anyhow.. I don't know. I guess Im rambling again. Bottom line is it's really cool W.E. is coming, and I sure hope he brings HER. (because I really want to see whom he picked :)

Ok. That just about took care of my break. Hope the space here isn't limited, as this entry is insane and LONG.

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