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11:08 a.m., Apr. 14, 2003

Ok. Grumpy weekend passed. Didn't do much - actually, kicked Mike out of the house WITH the damn dog!! and had a nap!!! He went to see his best friend, so no worries there. After I got sleep, felt 100% better. Yesterday my parents came over, we had pizza, and then after they left Mike and I watched Fight Club. I love this movie. I did tell him though that u see, this guy wasn't getting enough sleep and before he knew it he became a schizophrenic! Is that what you want to happen to me, huh? He was really laughing.

Well, also cleaned the house from top to bottom, as Passover is coming on Wednesday and so we're getting rid of all bread/bread-related products. It was fun. Mike rocks - he agreed to keep Passover at home. No bread, or rice, or pasta, or anything. I told him if he's absolutely dying for this stuff he can have it outside the house - go to some place or whatever. He said he can live with it. On Wednesday we are going to Nikka's place for the seder, and on Thursday I am hosting the second one! I really didn't feel like it necessarily but the crowd demanded :) So yeah, I'm making some roast with the recipe book in my hand, and chicken soup. Wish me luck. 7 ppl in our tiny apartment.

I do have to say though that Passover (Pesah) is my favorite jewish holiday. There's something incredible in remembering the ancient history of jewish people over matza and wine. Not to mention 8 days without bread and pasta and all that is actually good for u. So, overall, I am looking forward to it.

Yeah speaking of good for me, lost another pound this week! This makes it a total of 16 pounds! and i have 8 left. That's all. 2/3 there. I really didn't expect it to go that well. Unfortunately, it's not going so well for Nikka, as she's losing it much slower and understandably, getting frustrated. Actually at this point she's combining WW with Atkins, as that was the only diet that worked for her big time. Atkins gives me serious chills - a diet where u aren't allowed carbs to the point where you can't eat fruits (i.e., no natural carbs either) just doesn't ring right. Eating meat and eggs day and night probably kills ur arteries like u wouldn't believe. But... she is losing weight on it. Apparently for some people only abrupt carb cut will do it, while for someone like me, a simple cut in calories combined with exersice just does miracles. I don't know, I just wish she had it easier.

And I guess that's all. Going to school today to work on my stuff. 10 weeks to go. So cool when the end can be counted by weeks! But scary too.

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