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12:00 p.m., Nov. 17, 2001

I feel happy. It's Sunday, and we have a "lost" day. We're not going anywhere, just being at home, relaxing, enjoying life.

It snowed yesterday. And we went to see an improv play- kind of , 30 skits in 60 minutes. It was freezing cold (we had to wait for doors to open for about 20 min) - but it was lot of fun!!!

I can't believe that R. and C. (our friends) are moving in a month!. Far far away. It's kind of sucks, but she is going to grad school there. So we're trying to hang out while we can.

And now.. Mike is watching basketball, with headphones on (I don't like listening to it), and I am reading the most amazing book. I would recommend this book to every new mother out there, it totally is marvelous. It's called Positive Discipline - The First Three Years by Jane Nelsen. Now, I am NOT pregnant (yet). But I love psychology, and especially child psychology. I almost ended up preschool teacher but I realized that teaching is not for me. Nontheless, psychology fascinates me. Anyway, I saw this book at Mike's cousin's house, and I couldn't put it down. So I found it on Amazon, and got it used, for 4 bucks (as good as new though!). Anyway, this book is absolutely great - it totally corresponds to what I thought all along regarding child raring. It bases its stages of development on Erikson, whose stages of life make the most sense. And I can totally see how easy it is to screw your child's life if you don't let them to explore, to be a kid. Sure there should be boundries. But so many people yell at their little children because they "make a mess", while making a mess is the most natural thing to do!

Anyway, I'm reading it for pleasure now, but I hope one day it actually will be useful. I think I'll totally raise my kids by this - and this is not the only book she's written, there's a preeschool book and teen book, etc. I highly recommend it to anyone who has a baby now or who's planning to have one!!

Ok, enough ranting. Going back to read!

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