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2:55 p.m., Nov. 14, 2002

I was listening to Chizh in the car today. He's so funny. So "kiddish" almost, but I don't know I really was into him about 3 years ago. Of course not as much as I was into BG and Aquarium - BG is a rock-n-roll love of my life - but I liked Chizh enough. Anyway, I feel overall nostalgic. I was watching Irony of Fate on DVD yesterday. It had english subtitles, so I made Mike watch it with me. For those who don't know what the hell I'm talking about, the basic plot is such: a dude is going to a bath-house with his male friends to celebrate his engagement. It's New Years eve. He's supposed to celebrate New Years with his fiance. They get totally wasted in the bath house (on vodka and beer, mind you), after which he, by mistake, flies to a different city (just gets put on a plane), and, not realizing that he even flew, just gets a taxi and goes "home." Accidentially, in that city there's also the same street and the same apartment #. And also his key fits. So he just gets inside the house. Naturally, a house belongs to a beautiful single lady, who is also engaged to some really annoying fellow. Throughout the New Years night, they all try to straighten things out, in process the dude and the beautiful lady fall in love, and abandon their respective fiances. The movies has really great humor, kindness and you know.. just makes you very dreamy and hopeful. besides, there are some really good songs written to lyrics of such poets as Pasternak, Ahmadulina, etc.

I don't think Mike appreciated it much though. I think you have to be born in Russia to understand and appreciate that type of humor. He told me that it was really impossible that not only street and house matched, but the keys! :) I said you have no idea how possible it actually was, at those times. Anyway.. I feel somewhat sad and nostaligic.

Thankfully it's Thursday today, last day of school for the week. Iam going to see Harry Potter II tomorrow! How exciting is that. I know it's pathetic.

Mike said he might make some $ today. For the sake of my sanity I hope so. He's ridiculosuly depressed lately. I just hope it will all somehow get better.

I hate my Info Graphics class! I hate info graphics. I hate making signs! I never want to work in that field. I don't have the technilcal mind for it. I don't know.. I think I want to do advertising deisgn the most. Who knows.. we'll see what kind of job I'll get once I -finally! graduate. Speaking of which, the winter schedule came out. I'll have rather bizzar scehedule. Every day, from 3 p.m .to 9 p.m. I 'll be in school. It's kind of, I'll be a night person. But getting whole day before is not such a big deal. 4 classes, I couldn't fit the class # 5 in. So my last quarter I'll have to take 3 classes instead of planned two. It's ok though. Fingers crossed that all will go smoothly.

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