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6:02 p.m., Jan. 20, 2003

The party was GREAT! Everyone showed in such cool costumes, and Mike won the costume contest by 2 votes out of 6. Yes :) The food was great, truly LOTR inspired, we didn't have forks to eat with, only spoons, and knives. So medeival.

Played roleplaying game, watched a bit of fellowship of the ring, and had nice conversation. Hope Nikka e-mails me some pictures soon! Her costume was neat, nice long flowy dress that her sister made herself!

Today was a day off, which was nice. I am glad that at least our college remembers M.L. King properly by letting people have time off. My former work place considered it a regular work day, even though they are the most PC company out there. So much for acceptance and all that.

Mike also didn't work as stock markets were closed, so we went to a museum, had some good time, and I used it for research on one of my school projects.

Better news: I lost 2 lb this week. It's not necesserely out of this world since I did that before too, but if I lose more than that the following week, I'd say it really does work. Will see. I'm trying my best to stick to it, and it's not even that awfully hard. Just eating healthier I guess.

Can't wait till it gets warmer here. I so hate winter! argh.

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