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1:26 p.m., Jan. 23, 2003

So what's new. Lets see. Classes are doing Okay. Or should I say I don't know yet? I feel much less stressed that's for sure. Portfolio lady wasn't in yesterday - ironic huh! - and I dragged all my stuff to show her in a -20 or so cold. Night Director class was a big huge demo, for 2 hours, to see "what Director can do". Nothing was taught just yet. But we did finish picking out subjects for the CD, and surprise surprise, I'm doing Jerry Seinfield. I just think he's a great comedian and it could be fun interactive CD.

Today I have corporate ID, the teacher promises to have a long serious class today.. Myrna Loy is researched very well at this point so... Art Direction is going to get serious tonight as well, since we'll be assigned our projects and teams. We'll see.... But for now I feel peaceful - and tomorrow is a start of a weekend.

I'm pretty excited as we're going to an exhibition on Sunday, to a museum.. seems like I'm in museums awful lot lately, huh. This one is cool though - Renaissance art. On Saturday my brother and his fiance are coming to our house. I cannot believe they still never been there since our wedding! My brother never saw our cat! You can say we're not very close :) Well, they live in DT and are always busy.. so makes sense.

I'm ordering pizza for them as my brother refuses to eat any homecooked food (I know it's weird). It's really strange, he is an avid meat eater - I mean, we all eat meat, but I can easily forego meat if I don't feel like it, or if we don't have it. He can't eat a meal without meat! So, it will be sausage and pepperoni of course. And wouldn't you know, his fiance is a vegetrarian!!!! She eats milk products though. But we always joke how did those two get together, the biggest meat eater and a vegetarian :) But hers is not for any social reasons, she just doesn't like meat and thinks it unhealthy. Fair enough. So vegetarian pizza will be ordered as well.

The best part.. I can eat anything on WW! So even pizza is not a "no-no" food, I just have to plan accordingly so that I woudln't overeat. I'm happy about it beacuse I do like pizza, though I eat it very rarely. And I lost more weight. My official results will be known on Sunday (weekly), but I feel lighter so... I know it sounds silly but I'm excited. It's the first time that I don't feel restricted really, and I still eat what I want, and just lose weight real slow. I don't care how long it takes, as long as the long-term results will stay. I think I can deal with it.

Even Mike noticed that I eat healthier (even though he doesn't really know I'm on WW) - since I cook more now, so that I could have good dinners, he said he feels like he's eating real food, not junk. That makes me happy. He obviously doesn't need to lose any weight, but it's nice to know taht he notices when we eat better. Yes.

Otherwise... I am reading something really funky, called Jewish Zen. It's basically a spoof of zen in a jewish manner. Some really twisted jewish humor :) But it's pretty funny.

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