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8:50 a.m., Jun. 15, 2003

Wow. What a weekend! Yesterday, Mike and Nikka and Randy and Nikka's sister made a surprise graduation party for me. It was a REAL surprise, like I totally had no clue. Mike said we're going to Randy's and play the LOTR game, which was fine with me since I missed playing it. When I got there, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, Nikka and Jean appear and yell surprise! The whole place was decorated with balloons, and streamers and all that. They had shrimp and goat cheese and dips, and even home-made cosmopolitans. My fave drink btw, cosmos. Anyway... We totally had fun, a very nice relaxing party, and then went bowling (where I kind of lost, actually, I haven't bowled for ages and wasn't so good). And then we stopped at White Castle - bad, bad, I know - for late night snack. For some reasons, out of all vile fast food places, I only like White Castle burgers - their jalapeno flavored ones. Very bad for u, but probably not as bad as big mac, as they are pretty small and I only had two. Then back to Randy's place for coffee and cake (did I say bad night for WW? ;)

Which was my fave too, caramel cheesecake. Which I haven't had pretty much since I joined WW anyway. So I guess one time won't hurt, right? Right?

Anyway, what mattered was we had a great time, it was so nice to know there are friends out there who actually love you and care for you, and they planned that party kind of last moment, originally it was planned after graduation but they said element of "surprise" won't be there as much so they decided on yesterday. Yeah. I feel so loved.

Another news, Nikka got the place!!! On Friday, after a day of negotiations, she finally got a response and they accepted her offer. So now it's real. I am so excited for her, it's a cool place and she said she's planning to throw many parties :) How cool is that.

Today we're going to horse racing track, not that I'm a gambler or anythnig, Mike's uncle is hosting father's day party, we get our own private view and all. How awesome is that. The good thing, my family is not crazed about neither father's nor mother's day as those holidays never existed in russia, so we kind of let it slip - I know bad, but the truth is I don't need a special day to love my mom and dad, I love them every day. So we are free to attend events on Mike's side of family which gives more flexibility. In any event, it should be fun. Also will give my resume and CD to one of Mike's relatives who works - oh only for second largest advertising agency in USA :) - she's not a designer though, marketing - but she said she'll forward my resume. I don't place too high hopes on that one - those ppl need like 20 years of experience probably, not recent college grad, but u never know! Wouldn't it be funny if they considered me for an interview? I think it would.

Well, first portfolio show is tomorrow. It's 99% done (putting things together), and today will finish it.

So that's the news.

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