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8:57 a.m., Sept. 22, 2004

I don't know what it is - I'm just constantly exhousted! Well, I guess that's what comes with being pregnant, eh ;) But seriously, I'm just totally out of it! I constantly want to sleep. At work, at home, anywhere. Maybe it's a preparation for the days to come. I take it, sleep will be one luxury unavailable for a while.

On the plus side, our relaxing trip is only 3 days away! We're leaving early Sunday morning, and coming back Wednesday night. Right after Yom Kippur which falls on Saturday this year. I've decided to stay home for it this year, just pray from home. Normally, my best friend and I go to the religious neighborhood and stay by our friends there, but this year it seemed like such a drag to me. Plus they have 6 kids! So it's always noisy. Right now noisy is the least of what I need.

Speaking of those friends, I kind of got into a confrontation with her (religious orthodox woman) regarding the fact that I will have a baby shower. Basically, in the very religious tradition, jews do not buy anything for the unborn baby, nothing at all. Because they believe in "evil eye." I'm very well aware of this, but I also think it's a bit unrealistic nowdays. We have absolutely nothing currently for the baby, and going shopping after he's born probably will be totally insane! So what I thought to do is to actually register and have a baby shower, but just not unpack anything we receive, kind of store it all in the storage room, and then once the baby is born, then set up the nursery. So she was going totally ballistic over it! We're not talking advice in good spirit. We're talking "you're going to kill your baby if you have a shower" type of talk. And in general, baby doesn't need anything. And my husband can go and buy everything while I'm in the hospital. Right. I can picture Mike running around looking for cribs. That's funny! ;) Anyway, maybe I'm hormonal now but I was annoyed to no end! I told her that I heard enough and I'll still do what I think is the best for me and my family.

As a mattar of fact, today me and my best friend are going to Babies R Us just to take a look. There's such a variety out there, I want to at least get a vague idea of what I want. I'm not going to genderize my choices though - i.e., buy blue stuff. I think that this notion - blue for the boy, pink for the girl- is highly obnoxious, actually- and all taht I buy will be in nice primary yellows, reds, greens, etc. And that way, if the ultrasound was actually mistaken - which I doubt but who knows! - I won't be stuck with a blue nursery and bring a girl into it and have everyone say how it doesn't match :) Same with wall decor - no basketballs or rockets. It will be fairy tales all the way through ;) Boy or girl can enjoy fairy tales!!

You can say I'm highly irritable right now. Lack of sleep, what can I say. Anyway it is exciting to plan, and I think that G-d will take care of my child and not kill him b/c I want to be prepared.

Who hoo!

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