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12:29 p.m., Oct. 08, 2002

School started - i already feel tired! Looks like it's going to be 4 out of 5 project -based classes, which is quite a lot of work. Also, monster teacher whom i could not avoid is as insane as ever :) So this should be fun, fun, fun.

But I'm not complaining - just feel a bit grumpy today because I barely slept last night - was really freezing and the cat decided she doesn't want to sleep, so was making noises.

It was really funny to watch cat and dog yesterday as they pounded each other - the cat was winning ;) and at some point it actually almost got to be fighty - i.e., not playful - the cat's ears kind of flopped back, and she assumed aggressive position, and the dog was also about to bark, so we separated them. But overall they do get along just fine.

Also, it's "that time of the month" as they say, and I feel like crap anyway, i should be used to it by now - obviously - but every time it comes I feel like - why, god, why me :) I have no strength, I only want to sleep, and I couldn't make myself exersice this morning no matter how much reason I tried to put into it - with myself - but anyway, I will exersice tonight after school which probably will be even harder, but I want to stick to my plan.

My next class starts in about a 1.5 hours, and I don't know what to do with myself as it makes no sense to go home.... I did all homework for Wednesday already, so ... Yeah, and one of my classes is "career development", where they go into the whole mock interviews, and how to make your resume, and how to time manage.. .and I'm like - i've BEEN there! I have worked for two major companies, had corporate interviews and experience up to the nose, and I know how to make a resume! Of course I realize that the course is directed to everyone, and most kids in my class probably never worked in corporate envronment, but it's kind of funny to listen to the teacher - who's overly enthusiastic of course - on how it is so very important to look decent and project "positivity' at the interview. Thanks dude :)

Anyway... probably going to student lounge and try to sleep somewhere in the corner there. Ciao.

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