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12:17 p.m., Jan. 27, 2003

Was a marvelous weekend! Had my brother and his fiance visit, they really liked our place and they actually told us that they want us to stand for their wedding. Ouch! Well, the good news is that I don't have to buy a special dress. His fiance said everyone will just wear whatever they want, so no uniform dress. But I'm thinking - since i will have to walk down that isle, I better look good! No pressure right ;)

Well, WW is going nicely, lost another 1.5 lb. Of course it's not like amazing, but it's healthy, I would rather lose slow but steady than lose some crazy amounts. I feel very proud of myself, I work out more and eat healthier.

Also saw Confessions of the Dangerous Mind. It was good! I was pleasantly surprised. Actually my brother wanted to see it, and I was like...George Clooney film, eh? Well, it was great. I mean, the music and all. Great soundtrack, tasteful acting, I liked Drew Barrymore. So in conclusion - good rating. Mike liked it too.

Exhibition on Sunday was quite impressive as well, only it was cold as hell, so a small 10 minute walk towards the museum turned into hell. And I was wearing hat and scarf and everyting, and still froze so much that by the time we got inside the museum my feet were numb (mind u, in winter boots). But it was worth it. I love old paintings. They really have beauty and colors, and style.

So...overall it was nice. Did my homework too, it wasn't even that bad. I like my school this quarter. Only I hate the cold and getting out of the house. Once I'm out though, it's allright. I can't wait till spring. I think I do tend to have the famous SAD syndrom. Winter really affects me badly. I get very lethargic and can't summon any enthusiasm. But as soon as spring hits, I'm full of energy. I should live somewhere warm, ah.

The cat is so funny, she's been really playful and a bit bity, but she only wants to bite Mike, who plays along. I don't let her bite me ;) So funny.

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