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8:48 a.m., Jul. 05, 2004

Well, I'm happy to say no-one guessed. It was very easy, as it turned out. At the picnic on Friday, everyone was sitting on the blankets on the ground, and it was super easy to accept the wine and then quietly drop the contents right onto the grass. No one even noticed! And then yesterday at the BBQ, I just touched it with my lips, put my glass down and Mike picked up my glass and drank it all. I don't think anyone noticed again! I'm getting good at this ;)

For the most part, I've been feeling okay. But now the so-called morning sickness usually comes at night. I get all nauseous. But I haven't been puking so much yet. I don't know, it still seems so unreal. The bummer is, I only get another ultrasound at 20 weeks, which is still ages away! But I'll finally get to find out whom we're having - I'm definitely finding out, don't want "surprises".

Anyway, part of me still worries what if something is wrong. I hope that at my next appointment in 3 weeks, at least they'll listen to the heartbeat with the doppler and will be able to tell that it's beating. It's so scary not knowing what's going on there. I think I'm getting more excited about the baby, I hope the next month goes quickly and then I'll be in my second trimester alraedy and hopefully chances of miscarriage will go down.

I guess I can't wait to be more definite about the whole thing....

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