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3:44 p.m., Aug. 06, 2003

Oh my god. This final interview was the most exhousting one I have had in my life yet! First, I was supposed to interview with the team manager; she decided to bring in the whole team - 2 more people, same people I had my previous interviews with. Between the three of them, they were asking all kinds of "behavioral" questions (what would u do if someone came up to you with a deadline at 5 p.m. when u have to leave at 5:30....) All of them took notes on every single thing I said. Then I had to meet with that manager's manager, who asked me all kinds of questions for the next half and hour, including some more personal ones (such as what are my hobbies, etc...). Then after that, it was an interview with HR. She was probably the toughest because she asked really generic questions in no way connected to the actual position. Also she tried really hard to get a # out of me salary-wise, but I stuck to it and repeated that I want "market compatible salary according to my skills." (how's that!). Finally she actually told me the price range they are willing to pay and I was glad I held my tongue because it's way higher than what I thought! I tried to play it cool.

Well, the deal is, HR said they have received over 100 resumes for this position, they interviewed 10 candidates, and at this point they are down to 2!! - me and someone else. That person is also having their second interview today and basically she will let me know on Monday of their final decision. I came out of it absolutely exhousted and entirely unsure how I did. It seems like I answered well, but you never know. HR took so many notes, my whole resume was literally written all over. I have no idea if those were positive or negative. So nothing left but wait and see.

I don't even know how I feel now. Glad it's over and unsure if I'll get it.

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