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8:26 a.m., Sept. 08, 2004

Ok, so yesterday I got a huge back pain all of a sudden. It was really bad! I don't know if it's pregnancy - Mike was like, of course it is! ;) It lasted couple hours and then went away. I was like - if that's how the next 5 months going to go, I'm not a happy camper!

But I guess it's all worth it. Only 8 days till we find out the gender! Can't wait!!!

Labor day weekend was fun, D. and D.G. were here, and we had a great time, walking around the city and just chilling. French restaurant was quite good, the food was very well made and served exquisitly.

But I always feel a bit sad with D. The whole "what could have been". It has nothing to do with Mike, but... My best friend jokes that D. is like Mr. Big from Sex and the City for me. Maybe there's truth to it - while I'm happily married and all, I cannot totally cut D. out of my life. Not that I'd cheat on Mike with him ;) but I cannot imagine my life without D. in it - even if we only talk once a month, and only see each other once a year. So yeah. Life is strange.

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