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8:56 a.m., Mar. 26, 2005

It's Saturday night and I cannot sleep. Well, to tell the truth, it's my turn to take the midnight feeding and I'm just so wired that at this point, there's no point in going back to bed.

I'm so excited, I've got two graphic projects simultaneously, which is awesome because my job, as much as I like it, is not as creative as I want it to be... and so to get an actual creative project is always a treat. With Gabriel being so little I don't necessarily have all the time in the world, but in the ideal world I'd like to run a small graphic design business from home. One day...

Gabriel just had his 3-month appt. Want to know the stats? He's 10 pounds 11 ounces!!! This is more than double his birth weight (at 5 pounds 2 ounces)! He started smiling and cooing, and somehow just grew up literally within two weeks. It's amazing how fast babies learn. He's in a big boy 0-3 month clothes (versus preemie ;) and is such a little mench already. What a joy. And to think, I wanted a girl when I was pregnant! ;))) I still want a girl, obviously... I've dreamt of having a girl for a long long time. But I wouldn't change this baby boy for anything in the world. Amazing what motherhood does to you.

But enough about Gabriel, I think I'm hogging my own diary with notes about him ;)

For some reasons, lately I really want to go to Israel. My cousin who lives there wrote me how she dreamt of me coming to visit, and I was like wow, I was just thinking about it. I miss Israel. It's a very unique and unbelievable country. It's so beautiful, and you actually go through different climates as you go through the country... it's small but not super small after all. I love the different feel, the palm trees, the people. Everyone is friendly, a bit pushy, but super helpful. And then of course I want to go to Jerusalem, to the Wall, and pray. Although not super religious anymore... I still find a huge comfort praying by the Temple wall. It's something I always remember.

Oops, Gabriel is crying, time for the feeding. Ciao

layout byapplegail designs

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