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12:13 p.m., Sept. 17, 2003

Well, the company I interviewed with last week called � of course I did not get the job. Why? Oh, the test scores were perfect, the interviewers were very impressed, but they decided to go with someone internal. So just b/c someone works at that company already was a reason enough to give them this position absolutely regardless of everything else. Nice huh.

I don�t know what to think anymore. Perhaps it�s some curse and I just will never get a job. Because apparently neither skills, nor tests matter anymore. It�s like I put out, I do everything right, I actually qualify � and at the last moment something screws me � whether they hire a new VP, whether it�s someone internal, or whatever else under the sun.

I don�t know what to do. Keep on looking � I suppose � but for how long? And for how long can I stand that temp job, and for how long will that temp job even last? This is some tough stuff and I don�t get much support from anyone. It�s just very discouraging�I feel like my life is going nowhere. I will be hitting 30 in July and I am dreading being nowhere in my life. Anyway. The show must go on.

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