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8:42 a.m., Feb. 01, 2003

I am having a problem to motivate myself to do homework. It's so weird because comparing to some past quarter, this one is fairly easy and more of "on your own pace" type of thing, and I know that once I sit down and do it it would take 2 hours at the most. But I just can't make myself! Yesterday I had a whole day off and would be a perfect chance to do work, and I couldn't! Was reading books, hanging out online, drinking tea. Silly me. Well, today is certainly not a homework day because my best friend is coming at noon and we're going to watch (shhhhh! don't tell anyone!) a copy of The Two Towers. A friend of a friend of Mike got us a copy - it's not a great quality, a bit blurry (probably some guy butlegged it with his little camcorder ;) - but it's decent enough. I figured that I'm not hurting the movie industry too terrible because I've already seen the movie 3 times instead of an average one, and paid my dues, plus when the DVD comes out I'll of course buy it. So... That's my moral excuse ;) Besides I didn't butleg it myself, so... And then we're going to a little tea party in this hotel... Nikka been there before, u pay like $15 and they give u tea, and mini sandwiches. Should be fun.

Oh man. Mike just turned the TV on. NASA screwed up and lost the touch with the shuttle Columbia right before it was supposed to land...that's it. The very first Israeli pilot was on the board, they were guarding it super hard because of that (fearing terrorist attac). They lost it anyway :( They are not saying if it's really a terrorist thing or NASA just screwed up but it totally utterly sucks :(((

What else can go wrong in this world, really. Argh, I'm so mad.

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