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3:08 p.m., Mar. 10, 2003

I'll find out the resultsof the interview this week. I don't care either way to tell the truth, if I get the internship - good (some$), if I don't - good too! (some freedom! :) So... I am calm as a saint.

Weekend was okay, though nothing spectacular. Visited my parents, hanged out with Randy , played LOTR game (how original! :) and did hoomework. Blah blah. Again cold outside. I am sooo ready for sprng! Argh.

Did not lose any weight this week, but didn't gain either. This thing is a rollercoaster. But just reminding myself that it all is worth it.

My sweetie is turning 36 tomorrow! Wow :) Hopefully he'll like his presents. Plus I'm picking up flowers for him tonight and then somehow will have to strategically get him out of the house so I could actually get them in. I'll think of somethng.

On Wednesday the new LOTR edition is supposed to come out (Bottle of the Helms Deep). On Thursday, Mike's sister is officially having her C. Moved it up a day.

So I'd say it will be a packed week. Also will make a small birthday party for Mike on Sunday. Nothing major, just will give my parents excuse to buy him presents :) They already told me they're buying him clothes - he really doesn't have much clothes, that's true.

One of my jeans got completely worn out (read: huge hole!) but I can't buy new jeans just yet. I want to lose all of it first and then buy it in a smaller size. Yeah, that's a goal!

Feel very sleepy and tired. Hopefully will be able to get some rest today. Last night was foolishly reading till 1 a.m. - and so today feel out of it. But 3 weeks of school left! And last one will be peachy because half of my classes expect us to be done a week early. Yeah!

That's all. Do novyh vstrech! :)

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