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6:29 a.m., Feb. 02, 2004

Yeah so I lost the bet - obviously! But how did they manage not to nominate anyone from the spectacular LOTR cast - it's still just boggles me. Oh well, at least I hope that LOTR will win best picture of the year and that PJ will win best director!

Saw Lost in Translation - I really liked it! Not as much as LOTR obviously (in terms of competition for best picture) - but it had something. No cliches. No happy end. I like that.

Otherwise, life is rolling, "life's a sweet thing going up in smoke". We have majorly packed our stuff this weekend, almost all of it is moved to my parents' place so the actual condo has just the furniture, which will be moved at the day of the move. The reason we did it that way is b/c Mike is just getting a truck, no movers - so carrying endless packages from the 4th floor isn't sounding so cool. My parents on the other hand have a nice single house and it will be very easy to carry the stuff back and fourth.

I'm slowly shopping for our new house. It's very exciting but sometimes I want to slap myslef in the face - it's like is it really me - getting all domesticated like that. It's totally weird - picking out couches, thinking of colors, what would match with what. Yet when I see something I like I feel this almost childish excitement - this is a first house ever for me and it's like - this is going to be mine, I am decorating it as I wish :) There's something cool about it. But I don't want to turn into one of those people who are obsessed with possessions. Well,I am under strict budget anyway so I can't afford useless stuff and so far everything I bought has a purpose. And yet sometimes it feels weird - though exciting as well. Exactly 4 weeks till we move, wow.

So,things are happening. And of course the night of our closing date we're going to BG's concert!!! If that's not exciting, I dont know what is!

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