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4:36 p.m., Aug. 02, 2004

things are going okay - I'm just tremendously tired all the time! It's a bit annoying b/c Im usually pretty high-energy - can go without sleep for a long time, etc. But now, comes 7 p.m and Im totally out. Hope this will go away soon! In 2 weeks, I'll be in my second trimester - yeah!

Otherwise, everything is cool, went to a new park on the weekend, it was kind of neat, and the weather was super and we walked a lot. That was fun.

Im afraid my life is unexciting though - all I can think now is sleep. Well, the baby too ;) But mostly sleep! I also have panic attacs once in a while that I'll have somehow damaged baby (G-d forbid!) or that I'll be a bad mother and will screw it up.

I also dream lately that it's a boy. Had 2 dreams about it, how it totally was a boy. One time I dreamt of my future ultrasound, with the real tech which I saw at my clinic, and she was telling me don't u see it's a boy, it's very clear. So I don't know - shoudl I believe my dreams. I really want a girl ;) But mb it's preparing me for a boy? Who knows! Guess another 7 weeks before I find out... Can't wait!

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