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2:38 p.m., Feb. 28, 2002

In school. It's suddenly got cold here, weird, the whole winter we didn't have much snow or even cold, and suddenly now, last day of February everything went wintery.

I really can't wait till this quarter is over. I can't even say my classes are so hard, though biology is certainly challenging. But it's more like, I need a break. And also work getting a bit too crazy, although the stupid K. might leave - she's interviewing for another position within the company in the HR - poor HR ;) but anyway, hope they take her, and hire someone with a bit more brains (and less loud and obnoxious) on her place. I must admit that lately things have been a bit better b/n us - nothing like in past couple months were I thought I want to strangle her - but she's still a dumb suburban girl who has never been outside of the country, and never read a book in her life. She cannot understand how people can enjoy reading or why would they go into science or whatever.

Anyway... Somehow I feel that being a senior in that team certainly contributes to stress. It's like everyone wants to dump maximum amount of work onto me b/c they know K. will somehow screw it up, and T. is only working 2 times a week, so guess who gets stuck with all important stuff. My manager is aware of it and she constantly gives me praise for my work, but overall I feel like I am running in a maze, where as soon as someting is over, something else is pending, almost immediately. Anyway.. enough venting ;) I guess at least Im busy.

Can't wait to graduate though and do more fun stuff that that.

Class about to start. Got to run.

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